Five ways to keep up with your 2021 resolutions

Posted by : Manika Kashyap / On : Jan 25, 2021

resolutions goals

Last Monday of January already? How is your new year’s resolution going on? Are we still keeping or breaking? Before we even go ahead with this topic can we just rephrase the idea of resolutions? So, let me rephrase it for you - What are you doing to keep up with your goals? Ask yourself what is the positive outcome of this goal? 

I will encourage you to be kind and realistic with your goals. Many people are already depleted with energy and do not have enough resources to keep up with their goals/plans. The uncertainty of whatever is going around us doesn’t help either. Though more on uncertainty later. Your start doesn’t determine how you finish so, here are my five tips to help you keep up with your personal growth: 

1.  Be Realistic 

Strive for more practical and achievable goals for yourself. Studies show short term goals have higher chances of getting accomplished as compared to long term goals. If you are already feeling bad that means you have simply set up yourself for failure. 

2. Practice positive self talk 

Definitely avoid pushing yourself too hard and please avoid being so hard on yourself. Talk with love and encouragement to yourself. Notice how you talk to your friend when they feel less accomplished. We often are so gentle with our friends and encourage them with positive and motivational talk but somehow we become so judgmental towards ourselves. Do the best each day and take one day at a time. 


3. Plan 

Plan ahead and give a structure to your intentions by outlining your plan - Plan how you will need to support yourself - do you need someone's help? Do you have a friend  whom you can talk to for encouragement? This will bring me to my next tip. 


4. Accountability & Support 

Surround yourself with positive people and find someone who you can commit with. It could be one person or a group. Staying accountable can give you a sense of ownership and consequences of your actions. Generally we bring the best of ourselves when we are accountable. You commit to your goals and achieve them. Encourage each other, share your setbacks and celebrate all your achievements - even the ones YOU think are small. 

5. Track & Reward  

Track your progress - reset the plan if it's not working, unlearn, relearn in the process. Remember you can always change the approach towards your goals. What might have worked last time or what has worked for someone else is not necessary it will work for you today. Stay on the path of choosing you for your higher self. Celebrate with small rewards when you stick with your plan weekly/monthly.  

Your habits are the complete extension of who you are or what you stand for . Think what's the biggest change that you have accomplished for good in the past month or even a year. Give thanks to yourself. Remember one bad day will not undo the progress that you are making other days.

Stay focused and for the next few seconds please allow me to help you practice a little routine which I like to call :  

“Love notes to myself practice”  

Take a deep breath in, roll your shoulders back, Breathe out.

Breathe in and unclench your jaws & hands, Breathe out. 

Breathe in, rotate your neck, relax your legs & breathe out. 


 I am gentle to myself... 

I have the courage to keep going.. 

I have clarity and energy

I am enough 

If you like this please like, share and comment below to share your setbacks or achievements and get support & pat on your back instantly! 

Thank you and Namaste. 



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