The Spring Cleanse Workout Edit

Posted by : Manika Kashyap / On : Apr 06, 2021

workouts for natural detox spring cleanse

Exercise! We all know that there are many benefits of exercising and we all should workout but then life happens - we lose interest or get busy or distracted and sometimes we find ourselves left with no motivation. At the same time we are also aware that it's hard to start at times but when we end a workout - aah the rush! So recharging! So, to motivate you I want to gently remind you of the benefits of exercising. And how we can enhance our body detoxification process by adding workout to our routine. If you are already following us and reading our blogs by now you must know that we are on the spree of Spring Cleanse! We are offering our HB SPRING CLEANSE PROGRAM FOR FREE - Sign Up Now to Reserve your spot! And you can read our series of special edition of Spring Cleanse Edits at HB Blogs 

Benefits of Exercising: 

1 -  Weight Management - Doing the right kind of workout can help you lose weight or gain weight - whatever your goal is you need to make sure that you are in the right plan! 

2 -  Improves your cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of heart diseases - Exercising can strengthen your heart muscles, increases circulation and raises oxygen levels which helps reduce the risk of heart diseases like - high cholesterol,  coronary artery diseases & heart attack. 

3 - Manages your blood sugar levels - which can enhance weight management, hormones balance and cut down the risk of type 2 diabetes and  metabolic syndrome. 

4- Promotes good mental health - During workout the body releases a chemical called endorphin which triggers positive feelings in the body like morphine and can help reduce body pains, helps with mood and brings clarity. Reduces the risk of depression and helps lower the stress levels. 

5- Helps with ageing - Right kind of workout plan can improve balance, strengthen your body and brain which can help with memory and reduces the risk of injuries related to ageing. 

6 - Strengthens your bones and muscles - Makes you stronger and lower the rate of loss of bone density as you grow older. 

7- Improves you Sleep - Helps you fall asleep faster and longer. 

8 - Improves Sexual Health - Lower the risk of ED (erectile dysfunction) and may increase sexual arousal in both men and women. 

9 - You can live longer as it increases your chances of keeping all the diseases away as well as strengthens your immunity and overall body to fight any kind diseases better. 

10 - Exercising can also help you quit smoking and alcohol ! 

hiking walking nature forest workout for detox

How can Exercise help with Body detox? 

1 - Sweat - helps you lose some toxins and dead cells. Exercise helps lymph fluids circulate through the body, which removes toxins. 

2 - As exercising increases blood flow which promotes blood to circulate to pump white blood cells through the body and help organs cleanse themselves effectively.

3 - Enhanced blood circulation is efficient through the body, allowing nutrients to more easily reach all the organs and muscles.

4 - Exercising also regulates digestion which helps  food wastes to be washed away from the body. Aerobic exercise helps the food we’ve eaten move along through the gastrointestinal tract by strengthening our abdomen muscles.

5 - The increasing amount of oxygen that reaches the cells along with toxin elimination enable  alkalisation and renewal of the cells, which effectively supports the body in all stages of detox.

6 - Increased movement when we exercise stimulates our bodies. It flushes out our lungs


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Best Types of Workout to help with Detoxification:

Honestly all kinds of workouts are good but what kind of detoxification program you are following is the bigger question here. A workout plan is customized according to the kind of program you follow. For example if you are doing some kind of juice detox or fasting detox then I can’t recommend you to do HIIT workouts. My favourites are - 

1 - Yoga 

2 - Strength Training 

3 - Swimming 

4 - Hiking or brisk walking in nature. 

Remember you can achieve a good detoxification by providing your body with right nutrients, right mindset, right kind of cleanse which is very unique to every person, right kind of workout plan. Click here to know more about my signature program that I have created - HB Spring Cleanse Program. Namaste.


yoga poses detox



I am Strong 

I am Powerful 

I am fit 

I workout to honour my body and its strength and courage. 

Now take a deep breath in and out. Sip some water and decide what kind of workout you are going to do today? 

Health, Love & Light 


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